Rock n Roll City Cleveland HOG Chapter #5293
Hello and Welcome
to the ROCK-N-ROLL CITY CLEVELAND Chapter webpage. Our Chapter is an affiliate of HOG (Harley Owners Group) sponsored through ROCK-N-ROLL CITY Harley-Davidson of Cleveland, Ohio. Our club was founded in 1986 with a handful of Harley enthusiasts (some of which still ride with the Chapter today) to nearly 200 members all enjoying the benefits of being a ROCK-N-ROLL CITY CLEVELAND HOG member. We are a social organization all sharing one main interest and that is the love and passion for Harley-Davidson motorcycles. Our group is diverse with members of all ages and different walks of life making the club even more interesting. We are a riding club with a ride schedule that will make even the most seasoned riders envious

Upcoming Events and Rides

Learn all about the history of Rock n Roll…
…City HOG, that is. From our founding in 1986, to today.

Become a Member
It’s easy to join. As long as you have are a national HOG member, all you need to do is fill out the form and you are in. There is a $20.00 yearly membership fee. Current members can use the link to re-up as well

Ride Schedule
We welcome all who ride to join us during the season for our rides. Non-members will need to sign a waiver form available from the road captain.