Rock n Roller HOG Blog

The Rock n Roller Hog Blog

  • Riding Outside Your Comfort Zone
    At the beginning of September I joined other members of this chapter on a four day 1400+ mile road trip. One that I had been looking forward to all season. I knew it would be a challenge as we were riding some expert level roads through mountainous terrain and covering long distances. I thought I… Read more: Riding Outside Your Comfort Zone
  • Regional Motorcycle Rallies
    Regional rallies are a great way to get the chance to ride in places of the country that you normally wouldn’t get to go, whether its due to distance or time, or both. If you have never attended a rally you are missing out on a lot of fun, great scenery, making new friends, and… Read more: Regional Motorcycle Rallies
  • Being a Road Captain
    Some have said that leading a ride is not as much fun as being part of a ride. There is a good deal of truth to this, but it is not, I find, exactly 100%. This is my second year as a road captain and I wanted to share my thoughts and experiences on leading… Read more: Being a Road Captain
  • A Little Story by RJM
    Now that our new website is up and running and has this fantastic blog section to share stories, I wanted toshare a bit of my journey with you.My life behind bars started just seven years ago in the spring of 2015; yep 2015. It was then my father in lawwas diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.… Read more: A Little Story by RJM
  • (Not really) An Introduction
    What riding and being a HOG member means to me. Now that the new site is up and running, I figured now is as good a time as any to get rolling with the blog portion of the site and start off with “my story” as it were. I started riding in 07 on my… Read more: (Not really) An Introduction
  • New Site is Live!!
    Hi and welcome to the new home for Rock n Roll City Cleveland HOG Chapter 5293. I intend this site to be a resource for current, new, and prospective members. Going forward this site will be a resource for information about our chapter, our rides, events, and everything else related to our love of riding… Read more: New Site is Live!!