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New Site is Live!!

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  • Post category: General

Hi and welcome to the new home for Rock n Roll City Cleveland HOG Chapter 5293. I intend this site to be a resource for current, new, and prospective members. Going forward this site will be a resource for information about our chapter, our rides, events, and everything else related to our love of riding and of course Harley Davidson.

I want the Hog Blog (I know, don’t judge me on the name, I like it) to be about riding, from personal experiences, favorite rides and trips, what got people into riding along with safety tips and general motorcycle advice.

Which brings me to a request I have for members of the chapter. I want your stories, going on the many rides and trips and even at meeting I always hear people talking about rides they have done and events they have attended. They can be anything that comes to mind such as first experience on a bike, first long trip or rally attended, a memorable ride with a group, thoughts attending Sturgis.

Not only are those stories great to hear but to new rides and even those of us who have spent thousands of miles in the saddle, it is a great way to hear from other people about places others have been and those experiences.

So please email me at, and share what you will. You can also upload your story at The Hog Pen.


Clint – your friendly neighborhood webmaster