Ride Schedule

2024 Ride Schedule

With February nearing, the road captains have had their first meeting to plan the rides for this year and it looks great do far. Stay tuned. It will be spring before you know it. The schedule will be released on March 1.

As always, if anyone has a suggestion for a ride they would like to see added to the schedule, head on over to the hog pen and fill out the ride suggestion form, and we will do what we can to make it happen.

Missed a ride? Have a favorite ride form the past? Have a ride that you want to share? Our route archives page has .gpx routes you can download and use on any modern touring bike or your favorite route planner app. More will be uploaded as the season goes on.

Thanks for being part of the best (in our opinion anyway) HOG chapter around.

Clint – Your friendly neighborhood webmaster